5 rules to follow to properly arrange your living room

Tips from the pros for arranging the living room

5 rules to follow to properly arrange your living room

We relax there, we work there, we watch TV there and we entertain friends there. The living room is THE living room par excellence, enough to make you want to arrange it like a pro, whatever its size and constraints… Apartment, studio, house, micro-living room or XXL living room? We take stock of the essential rules for successful living room layout!

1. We start with the sofa

If we had to designate a centerpiece in the living room, it would be him, without hesitation. Arranging your living room properly means starting by determining the 

position of the sofa and what it faces: TV, fireplace, window? Contrary to popular belief, the sofa is not necessarily stuck to a wall. On the contrary, it can even be used 

to structure the space, to separate rooms and to demarcate areas between living room, dining room, hallway or even sleeping area in a studio. In all cases, to properly organize a living room, we always favor the sofa, even if it means limiting the number of furniture around it.

2. We adapt the layout to its use

In a living room, there is generally the sofa and the coffee table. For the rest, everything is possible! Some revolve around the TV, others around the fireplace, still others need a work space or a play area for the children. In other words, to 

properly arrange a living room , you define the spaces to provide according to your lifestyle. The question to ask yourself: 

what do we do in the living room ? Those who like to entertain will need extra seating and a sofa bed, or even a bar or dresser within easy reach. Those who work there will need to provide a small desk near an electrical outlet with a light source and a chair. If children play in the living room, storage for toys is ideal… and with toddlers, well-secured carpets and clear spaces are mandatory!

3. We boost the brightness

If there is a room in which light is essential, it is the living room, which must benefit from daylight as long as possible and compensate for its disappearance when evening comes. We haven’t found anything sadder than a poorly lit living room! Unless there are exceptions, we place the 

sofa near a well-oriented window to take advantage of its brightness. We plan a good 

decorative ceiling light or a designer floor lamp to illuminate the evening, supplemented by additional lamps to warm up the atmosphere, and bulbs with warm light rather than white. Is the room lacking light? We choose light shades on the walls, space out the furniture and think about mirrors! They enlarge the space and reflect the light, giving a nice boost to a living room that is too dark.

4. Choose your soil carefully

Since by definition, the living room is a living space, it is better to avoid white carpet or fragile floors for an 

optimized layout . Tiling is generally preferred in warm regions, parquet for a cocooning atmosphere. Note that PVC floors today offer beautiful imitations at low prices, with different thermal or acoustic qualities as a bonus. In all cases, we choose an 

option that is washable and resistant to intensive use … avoiding too light shades which get dirty more quickly, especially with children, and too marked trends which can age poorly. In use, it is easier to change carpets than a complete floor!

5. We don’t neglect the atmosphere

well-appointed living room is also a living room in which life is good… In short, a cozy atmosphere that resembles its inhabitants, and which comes through all the small accessories rather than large furniture. Avid readers swear by books in the living room, lovers of cocooning by throws and cushions, vintage fans by antique furniture, etc. Shall we summarize for you? 

Adapt the layout and decor to your tastes to design a living space that suits you, by playing on colors, paintings, cushions, curtains or accent lamps, for example. A few travel souvenirs, potted plants, two or three photos and the living room comes to life!